Market Veterans, Humble Partners

DCode Insights was instituted in 2019 by seasoned market researchers with over 20 years of experience, setting out on a mission to create happy experiences for our clients. Having exhaustively worked with varied categories, we have realized that certain similarities underpin them all despite the niche-specific nuances. These resemblances have taught us that:

  • Consumers have much to say about products and services but it takes creative, unpredictable, unique, and time-saving approaches to zero in on valuable opinions.
  • Even with the same data set, results often vary vastly due to the tools used. This is why it is important to be aware of the right techniques to get the ‘right’ results.
  • There is more to research than data collection; it takes the ability to turn sparse, disparate, and seemingly inexplicable information into actionable insights.
  • Experience, expertise, critical thinking, and patience are not easy traits to come by, and especially not in a single package.

With these fundamental tenets fortifying our work process, we examine our client’s business in immense detail, gathering data, and synthesizing meaningful information helpful in creating a winning strategy for their brand. Though we are strong advocates of the traditional rudiments of research, we are also progressive and keep ourselves updated with new-age technological disruptions.

We take a lot of pride in the brands that we work with and strongly believe that value creation at every stage and touchpoint of the research process plays a critical role in shaping the best insights for business decision making. In our pursuit to consistently deliver value to the client, we don’t hesitate in challenging the status quo.

Why DCode Insights?

Decades of Excellence

Servicing clients for the past 20 years, our continued existence is proof that the fittest do survive. Our multi-category, geographically extensive approach blends together traditional methodologies and a contemporary outlook, providing effective solutions for your business quandaries.

Customized Solutions

We dive into the core of your business for optimal insights, extracting the right data to synthesize and fine tune premium recommendations for you. If you’re ready to receive a thorough, linear walk through your corporate pain points and subsequent source-specific solutions, we’re the right fit for you!

We Keep It Slick

Time is of the essence but so is the value of our work. One of our evergreen rules is never to compromise on mutual respect, which is why confidentiality, timeliness, and quality are of utmost importance to us.

Client Testimonials

“The project was not only delivered under difficult conditions during the peak pandemic time but also the findings were really helpful for our entry strategy to a new market. Team was very professional, and I was really impressed with the detailing and the personal touch provided. Keep up the great work Team @ DCode Insights!” 
– Client, International Consulting
“DCode is an experienced team and same was reflective at various project stages viz. framing and designing the questionnaire, customized CAPI software, timeliness on data requests and reporting. Wish the team success.”
- Client, Consulting

Connect with us. We will make you a believer.